Silverbullet transforms Heineken Brazil’s first-party data strategy to unlock millions of consumer records

Silverbullet Announces Successful Year-One Results for Heineken Brazil

Silverbullet today announces the successful year-one results it has delivered for the leading pub, cider and beer company, Heineken Brazil. Silverbullet has supported the brand in reaching millions of consumers through a bespoke data strategy designed for the new marketing age.

Heineken Brazil, like many FMCG (fast moving consumer goods) brands, is actively working towards a data and digital future, as they look to garner their competitive edge in the modern marketing era. Having a clear goal, the brand seeks to become the most connected brewery in Brazil, and globally. Their passion for consumers and customers – and their enjoyment of life – sits at the core of their business and marketing strategy, signifying the need to un-tap the potential that sits within first-party data collection, management, and activation.

Silverbullet were appointed as their chosen specialist partner due to their legacy in market supporting global brands in the delivery of data and digital transformation. Due to the nature of FMCG brands, unlocking first-party data is no easy feat as their business models are typically one step removed from the consumer. Through Silverbullet’s tried and tested methodology, Heineken Brazil were able to design, deliver and measure their data transformation journey, and reach millions of consumer records in just the first year of working together.

“Heineken Brazil is a modern-thinking brand with a global organisation whose goal is to become the most connected brewery worldwide. We selected Silverbullet as our chosen data strategy partner to help us unlock the value of data so that we could put the customer at the heart of everything we do. Silverbullet’s proven expertise in the FMCG landscape perfectly positions them to help Heineken Brazil turn our goals into reality.” João Belfort, Head of Data & Digital at Heineken Brazil

“We couldn’t be prouder of the work we have achieved in partnership with Heineken Brazil” says Andrea Ghibaudi, Vice President, Enterprise Strategy at Silverbullet. “They have been a joy to work with, presenting both willingness and openness in testing new ideas to achieve their long-term goal and vision. We cannot wait to continue our data transformation journey together in 2022.”

After a successful first year working together, the partnership continues as Heineken expands upon its transformation journey, by leveraging the huge potential presented by first-party data, marketing automation, and innovative technology for the post-cookie era.

Download the full case study here.

Man v Machine: Your key three benefits of Auto Optimisations.

This month’s debunked blog explores how innovative technology can help build efficiencies and speed to revenue.

Man versus machine. The debate has long been had within the world of (m)adtech, and whilst many saw the rise of the machines as a scary prospect a few decades ago, now we work in blissful harmony with them every single second of every single day. But, are we always striking the right balance between utilising the technology to its fullest, and turning algorithms into outcomes?

As the next-generation outcomes engine for the post-cookie era, 4D’s technology advancements deliver incredible results for marketers across the globe. In short, it leverages a continuous performance-based optimization loop to drive outcomes through context. By tapping into the most advanced data science algorithms and machine learning technology, 4D combines targeting and the optimization engine to surface real-time insights and recommendations. Sounds good, right?

But manual work is still needed in some shape or form, and can often be laborious and inefficient.

Luckily for all the traders, account managers, and media planners out there, we have decided to make it that little bit easier. Manual processes are long outdated, as well as time-consuming creating friction across an organization. Managing 20+ campaigns whilst thinking about optimizations is both grueling and often susceptible to human error.

To combat this, we have introduced Auto Optimizations within our 4D Outcomes offering, aimed to act as an upgrade to the way you work. Our powerful technology will automatically apply optimizations across the duration of your campaign, saving you time and ensuring that you maximize campaign performance.

As the brains behind the release, in this month’s Debunked Series, Tabitha Gibson, Product Manager at 4D Context Outcomes Engine, shares the top three benefits of this revolutionary new feature.

  • Intelligent Optimizations
    • Advanced artificial intelligence analyses your campaign data to generate performance-boosting optimizations and then applies automatically to your context.
  • Goal-Oriented Actions
    • Select your optimization goal and let Auto Optimizations get to work. Highly performing keywords are added whilst poorly performing keywords are removed without you lifting a finger. Let our technology power your campaigns.
  • Effortless Management
    • We know you have a million things to do. That’s why with Auto Optimizations you can simply opt in and let us take care of the rest.

Want to know how 4D can help your brand? Contact us today.

d3con : The Silverbullet Masterclass.

Last month Silverbullet joined a host of global advertisers and vendors at the European Programmatic Flagship event, d3con, based in sunny Hamburg. The two-day event focused on tackling the ‘future of digital advertising’, exploring new ways of working as we step into a privacy-first, post-cookie era.“Programmatic Advertising is the operating system that enables today’s modern digital marketing strategies and unifies management and measurement for all marketing channels. Marketing automation and marketing AI are the trends that will allow us to control the complexities of the new marketing world in the future and open up new opportunities for successful advertisers.” d3con, event website.Silverbullet hosted a 45 minute Masterclass titled: ‘Fight back from the cookie monster’, and so it’ll come as no surprise that Umberto Torrielli, Co-founder and CSO at Silverbullet explored how businesses can future-proof their businesses as we enter a world with no third-party cookies.

Setting the scene on the first day of the two-day conference, Umberto explained the seismic change in which the (m)adtech industry is currently facing, before exploring how businesses can start to reset, rethink and re-imagine their businesses – not just for the future – but for today.

Joined by special guest speakers including Aline Zenses, Silverbullet’s Northern Europe Managing Director, and ​​Philip Schadewald, Director Programmatic Advertising at Pilot Group, Umberto explained what we – here at Silverbullet –  believe to be the key ingredients of a well-oiled future-proofed strategy:

  1. First-party data: starting with rich data derived directly (and with full consent) from the consumer is the first key ingredient for any business looking to undertake their digital transformation journey. Placing the customer at the heart of your business is key when stepping into the new marketing age.

  2. Technology for Data, Marketing & Automation: data is your “fuel” ingredient, and when applied through innovative technology, can provide you incredible insights and outcomes. From Customer Data Platforms (CDP) to Marketing Automation Tools and Personalisation Tools, untapping the full potential of data can only be realised through utilising the most relevant technology for your business.

  3. Contextual Advancements: With the humble cookie on its way out, businesses should start to explore new solutions that rely on no cookies or ad IDs. And, the most popular solution in the market today is advanced contextual advertising. Why not mix in a bit of contextual intelligence into your marketing mix to see how you deliver meaningful business outcomes.

But how does all of this work together in reality? How do businesses know where to start, or who to partner with?

Watch our full Masterclass to discover the businesses who are untapping these key ingredients to success, and understand how you can start your data and digital transformation journey today.



Graceful as a Swan: How a focus on “topics” provides a quick, easy, and elegant alternative to keywords

The efficiency and power of ‘Topics’ when used in contextual targeting is changing the way advertisers unlock the potential of contexts. Lucas Vicary and Andrew Sims, both Strategic Account Managers at 4D, unveil the alternative ‘new kid on the block’ to keywords.


What You See Is What You Get: Applying Contextual Targeting in a Video Environment.

Gadi Baram, Product Manager at 4D, explores the incredible advancements surrounding contextual video in our latest edition with MediaPost.


4D Contextual Targeting: Going beyond traditional targeting

As more and more brands activate across the digital world, it becomes essential for those brands to find the right audience to target. Traditionally, advertising targeting solutions would rely on the pre-operated context lists and launch the targeting completely based on known information, like gender, age, and interests of the target customer group.

But what if these brands could expand their targeting beyond the context list?

A solution that could go beyond blocklists and targeting lists, but effectively increase scale, would mean that brands could reach the right users at the right moments across the digital ecosystem. Moreover, being able to tap into a continuous performance-based optimization loop that powers a campaign to perform beyond certain KPIs and draw insights and learnings would mean that brands can target consumers that they may have not even thought to target.

The mechanism allows brands to easily and effectively choose keywords and topics that are related to the campaign to launch targeting and with a privacy-friendly and PII-complaint tag running across a brand’s media, initial data points are collected. Powered by the 4D Outcomes Engine, brands get access to insights and data that deliver proven recommendations and in some instances insights about non-endemic keyword recommendations to go beyond their targeting without sacrificing performance and scale.

Going Beyond with 4D: A case study

While 4D works across all verticals, a large-scale CPG retailer partnered with 4D to drive traffic to their landing pages and grow awareness for its pet food brand.

The comprehensive keyword list set by the client was primarily focused on pets as their primary drivers of consumers were pet owners. 4D Context Outcome Engine empowered the brand to expand the campaign to include keywords such as Natural Ingredients, Healthy Eating, and Fitness Activity, as well as to increase curated contextual themes such as Food & Drink, Healthy Living, Business & Finance, and Home & Garden keywords driving an increase in impressions and CTR.

“4D offers advertisers the opportunity to efficiently reach the consumers they know are interested in their product, while also driving additional brand awareness to acquire new customers by utilizing the 4D Context Engine to derive additional insights into consumers via the 4D Tag. We can then easily modify a 4D context segment during campaign flight and overtime to ensure we are hitting performance targets and creating wins for the client.”

Andrew Sims, Strategic Account Manager

Why this works

By expanding their targeting, the CPG brand drove traffic and brand awareness by helping reach the target audience by identifying the contexts they are engaging with. Furthermore, they maximized cost-effectiveness by adding high-performing correlated contexts and removing underperforming contexts contributing to cost reductions and ROI increases. 4D boosted performance with data-driven outcomes and delivered result-proven insights that are strategically constructive for brands’ marketing strategies.

Want to know how 4D can help your brand? Contact us today.