Last month Silverbullet joined a host of global advertisers and vendors at the European Programmatic Flagship event, d3con, based in sunny Hamburg. The two-day event focused on tackling the ‘future of digital advertising’, exploring new ways of working as we step into a privacy-first, post-cookie era.“Programmatic Advertising is the operating system that enables today’s modern digital marketing strategies and unifies management and measurement for all marketing channels. Marketing automation and marketing AI are the trends that will allow us to control the complexities of the new marketing world in the future and open up new opportunities for successful advertisers.” d3con, event website.Silverbullet hosted a 45 minute Masterclass titled: ‘Fight back from the cookie monster’, and so it’ll come as no surprise that Umberto Torrielli, Co-founder and CSO at Silverbullet explored how businesses can future-proof their businesses as we enter a world with no third-party cookies.

Setting the scene on the first day of the two-day conference, Umberto explained the seismic change in which the (m)adtech industry is currently facing, before exploring how businesses can start to reset, rethink and re-imagine their businesses – not just for the future – but for today.

Joined by special guest speakers including Aline Zenses, Silverbullet’s Northern Europe Managing Director, and ​​Philip Schadewald, Director Programmatic Advertising at Pilot Group, Umberto explained what we – here at Silverbullet –  believe to be the key ingredients of a well-oiled future-proofed strategy:

  1. First-party data: starting with rich data derived directly (and with full consent) from the consumer is the first key ingredient for any business looking to undertake their digital transformation journey. Placing the customer at the heart of your business is key when stepping into the new marketing age.

  2. Technology for Data, Marketing & Automation: data is your “fuel” ingredient, and when applied through innovative technology, can provide you incredible insights and outcomes. From Customer Data Platforms (CDP) to Marketing Automation Tools and Personalisation Tools, untapping the full potential of data can only be realised through utilising the most relevant technology for your business.

  3. Contextual Advancements: With the humble cookie on its way out, businesses should start to explore new solutions that rely on no cookies or ad IDs. And, the most popular solution in the market today is advanced contextual advertising. Why not mix in a bit of contextual intelligence into your marketing mix to see how you deliver meaningful business outcomes.

But how does all of this work together in reality? How do businesses know where to start, or who to partner with?

Watch our full Masterclass to discover the businesses who are untapping these key ingredients to success, and understand how you can start your data and digital transformation journey today.