This month’s debunked blog explores how innovative technology can help build efficiencies and speed to revenue.

Man versus machine. The debate has long been had within the world of (m)adtech, and whilst many saw the rise of the machines as a scary prospect a few decades ago, now we work in blissful harmony with them every single second of every single day. But, are we always striking the right balance between utilising the technology to its fullest, and turning algorithms into outcomes?

As the next-generation outcomes engine for the post-cookie era, 4D’s technology advancements deliver incredible results for marketers across the globe. In short, it leverages a continuous performance-based optimization loop to drive outcomes through context. By tapping into the most advanced data science algorithms and machine learning technology, 4D combines targeting and the optimization engine to surface real-time insights and recommendations. Sounds good, right?

But manual work is still needed in some shape or form, and can often be laborious and inefficient.

Luckily for all the traders, account managers, and media planners out there, we have decided to make it that little bit easier. Manual processes are long outdated, as well as time-consuming creating friction across an organization. Managing 20+ campaigns whilst thinking about optimizations is both grueling and often susceptible to human error.

To combat this, we have introduced Auto Optimizations within our 4D Outcomes offering, aimed to act as an upgrade to the way you work. Our powerful technology will automatically apply optimizations across the duration of your campaign, saving you time and ensuring that you maximize campaign performance.

As the brains behind the release, in this month’s Debunked Series, Tabitha Gibson, Product Manager at 4D Context Outcomes Engine, shares the top three benefits of this revolutionary new feature.

  • Intelligent Optimizations
    • Advanced artificial intelligence analyses your campaign data to generate performance-boosting optimizations and then applies automatically to your context.
  • Goal-Oriented Actions
    • Select your optimization goal and let Auto Optimizations get to work. Highly performing keywords are added whilst poorly performing keywords are removed without you lifting a finger. Let our technology power your campaigns.
  • Effortless Management
    • We know you have a million things to do. That’s why with Auto Optimizations you can simply opt in and let us take care of the rest.

Want to know how 4D can help your brand? Contact us today.