Today, a huge part of our lives is online; from ordering the weekly food shop, to paying your council tax, the digital evolution has transformed us as consumers, and our businesses. The rise of digital created seismic change for many, and with change followed new technologies, a rising consumer base, and increasing marketing channels. Oftentimes it can be overwhelming for business owners to understand how to make sense of it all. And here-lies the need for a strategic consultant.


Strategy consultants have a presence in virtually every industry and can give an outside, expert perspective on business challenges. They offer fresh, objective takes on difficult issues and ensure that businesses are considering every angle when it comes to big decisions.

In this article, we explore the ‘what’, ‘why’ and ‘how’ in becoming a strategy consultant.

What do Strategic Consultants do?

Strategy consultants typically have considerable industry knowledge and are hired to assess high-level business issues, objectively and with no bias. The role of the strategic consultant sees them take a holistic look at a variety of challenges companies are facing, and then provide advice on how they can tackle and approach them.

The first phase of a project taken on by a strategic consultant, often explores an in-depth analysis of a client’s business goals and objectives, and any challenges they may be facing. The goal of this initial phase is to understand the existing business structure and processes, and to identify the gaps that may need to be filled in order to reach the end goal.

In addition to their business analysis, strategy consultants can provide expertise on market research, the competitive landscape, technical training and use case examples, so the client can make well-informed decisions that are in the best interest of the health of their company.

Why strategy consulting?

Oftentimes, businesses will out-source a strategic consultant, and that is what we do here at Silverbullet. Client’s will seek our expertise and support to help them transform their businesses. But many can’t understand why companies need external industry experts, versus hire internally.

The main reason is a combination of resource, time and deep expertise. If businesses are seeking technical expertise, it will take them a very long time to train up teams who exist already within their organisation. And with many businesses, teams are stretched and won’t always have the time or resource to offer. Bringing in external support can be a fantastic option for a business, due to:

  • External and unbiased viewpoint
  • Immediate deep expertise
  • Dedicated on you and your needs only
  • More hands than one

A strategy consultant brings a fresh pair of eyes, and whose judgement is supposed to be clear and impartial.

How to apply for a Strategy Consulting role.

Strategic consulting does require a bit of experience. If you’re not too sure what kind of experience you need, check out our top tips below:


1. Check your degrees and qualifications:

It will do you good to bring at least a bachelor’s degree to the table — most likely in business administration or a similar field. However, if your degree doesn’t sit within a relevant field, don’t worry, there might be other ways you can win them over.

Consulting and expert services organisations such as Silverbullet, are looking for mature candidates with a solid concept of business management, analytical skills, and a demonstrated knack for problem-solving. So, any experience or qualification you can bring to the table will be vital to help showcase your organisation skills and business understanding.

2. Experience, learn and do your homework.

Being a strategy consultant is a complex role. Not only do you need a business and technical mind, but you also need to understand the industry it sits within. And the (m)adtech industry is a very complicated landscape to navigate.

It’s imperative to have as much experience under your belt, whether through schemes, internships or paid for roles within other organisations. If you are looking to change industry but have experience in another, it’s important to know as much as possible before entering the interview process.

Another tip is to learn as much as you can about the organisation you are interviewing for, where the company has come from, and where it’s going. Be sure to familiarise yourself with leaders and their roles, founding year, any key business milestones, etc.

3. Professionalism

You have to know how to conduct yourself in a meeting room with senior leaders. You’re going to be working closely with executives, so you need to know how to communicate with them professionally and effectively.

Strategy consultants also must make difficult decisions on a consistent basis. That’s what they’re paid to do. If you’re interested in the field, you’re going to need the confidence and judgment to make sure your advice is sensible and actionable. You’ll also need to be prepared to clearly explain the rationale behind it at any time.

4. Understand the tech.

Most of the time, the strategic consulting teams will be the advisors and co-curators of a business plan and strategic roadmap. However, having a good understanding of the technology within your chosen industry is vital.

Here, at Silverbullet, much of our team within our services division, work with and on behalf of: Customer Data Platforms, Data Clean Rooms, Marketing Automation Products, Analytics and Measurement Vendors and Programmatic Activation partners.

If you haven’t already, spruce up your knowledge on these technologies.

An exciting future.

Strategy consulting is a really exciting career – especially within the marketing and advertising technology sector. You have the opportunity to make a difference, and to be part of a client’s journey from start to finish. A strategic consultancy role within an organisation such as Silverbullet isn’t the easiest to land, but if you do, it will be one of the most rewarding roles you will ever have.