The wonderfully complex world of marketing and advertising technology is one of the most exciting industries in today’s climate. The rise of digital and continued innovations has created seismic change for many, and with change follows new technologies, a rising consumer base, and increasing marketing channels. With so much going on in a very crowded space, it can be hard for business to cut through the noise.

And that’s why inspiring sales people can make a huge difference.

In this article, we explore the ‘what’, ‘why’ and ‘how’ in applying for a role in sales.


What do Sales do?

Being armed with charm, intelligence, a business head, and a good way with people, are skillsets that can be hard to find. The sales arms of any business is a key function – not only in the driving of sales and revenue – but in gaining trust for your product or services offering and building a voice around your company.

Sales men and women are the face of the business, if you like, actively going out and seeking new opportunities, discovering new clients and nurturing existing clients. It’s a role suited for those who love to network, requiring both social skills as well as a level of technical expertise to help sell a product or service with trust.


Applying for a new role: The desired qualities of a salesperson.

Being in sales requires a few key personalities traits:

Enthusiastic: Being a good salesperson requires hard work no matter the situation. Being motivated to get the job done shows that you are passionate.

Analytical: While friendliness is a good trait, you must let your customers know you’re prepared and trustworthy, too. Customers want to make deals with salespeople who are dependable, fact-driven, and likely to ask questions and deliver answers they’re looking for.

Nimble & Resilient: Sales numbers can vary and pressure from the senior leadership team can change depending on the state of the business. Salespeople need to be nimble (ability to change direction when needed) as well as resilient.

Thorough: A good salesperson should be an expert in what they’re selling. Demonstrating that you’re knowledgeable makes you more reputable.

Empathic: Connecting to your clients’ emotions can be key when identifying the right approach and the right selling technique. Put their needs first and then find the perfect solution for them

Committed: Some sales cycles will take longer than others. It’s not about a quick sell, it’s about building relationships and showing true commitment to them and their needs.

An exciting future.

Undertaking a sales role in adtech and martech is a really exciting career – especially during a time where the digital revolution is changing and adapting as we step out of the pandemic. You can make a difference, and to be part of a client’s journey as they seek to transform their digital marketing strategies. So why not explore our open opportunities today.